Marcel Granollers-Pujol vs Kevin Krawietz, players compare - Feb 23, 2019
Player comparison with options Statistics for the last 360 days on the surface on which the match is played.
Match reliability index: 0/100
Player reliability index for
Granollers-Pujol Marcel (player 1) for this match as a favourite: 1/100
Player reliability index for
Krawietz Kevin (player 2) for this match as an underdog: 15/100
Success Rate in Last 5 Matches
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
m% VS
m%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Success Rate in Last 5 Matches on the Surface being played
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
m% VS
m%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Success Rate in Last 10 Matches
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
m% VS
m%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Success Rate in Last 10 Matches on the Surface being played
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
m% VS
m%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Success Rate in Last 15 Matches
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
m% VS
m%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Success Rate in Last 15 Matches on the Surface being played
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
m% VS
m%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Success Rate in Last 20 Matches
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
m% VS
m%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Success Rate in Last 20 Matches on the Surface being played
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
m% VS
m%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Success Rate in Last 30 Days
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
m% VS
m%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Success Rate in Last 30 Days on the Surface being played
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
m% VS
m%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Success Rate in Last 360 Days
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
m% VS
m%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Success Rate in Last 360 Days on the Surface being played
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
m% VS
m%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Success Rate in Head-to-Head Matches
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
m% VS
m%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Success Rate in Head-to-Head Matches on the Surface being played
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
m% VS
m%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Success Rate in Head-to-Head Matches in the Last 360 Days
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
m% VS
m%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Success Rate in Head-to-Head Matches in the Last 360 Days on the Surface being played
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
m% VS
m%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Reliability as Favorite (by Odds) in the Last 30 Days
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
m% VS
m%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Reliability as Favorite (by Odds) in the Last 30 Days on the Surface being played
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
m% VS
m%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Reliability as Favorite (by Odds) in the Last 360 Days
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
m% VS
m%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Reliability as Favorite (by Odds) in the Last 360 Days on the Surface being played
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
m% VS
m%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Reliability as Favorite (by Predictions) in the Last 30 Days
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
m% VS
m%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Reliability as Favorite (by Predictions) in the Last 360 Days
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
m% VS
m%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Reliability as Favorite (by Predictions) in the Last 30 Days on the Surface being played
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
m% VS
m%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Reliability as Favorite (by Predictions) in the Last 360 Days on the Surface being played
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
m% VS
m%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Reliability as Outsider (by Odds) in the Last 30 Days
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
100% VS
100%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Reliability as Outsider (by Odds) in the Last 30 Days on the Surface being played
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
100% VS
100%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Reliability as Outsider (by Odds) in the Last 360 Days
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
100% VS
100%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Reliability as Outsider (by Odds) in the Last 360 Days on the Surface being played
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
100% VS
100%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Reliability as Outsider (by Predictions) in the Last 30 Days
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
100% VS
100%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Reliability as Outsider (by Predictions) in the Last 360 Days
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
100% VS
100%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Reliability as Outsider (by Predictions) in the Last 30 Days on the Surface being played
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
100% VS
100%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Reliability as Outsider (by Predictions) in the Last 360 Days on the Surface being played
(wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
100% VS
100%, (wins:m, losses:m, form:m)
Granollers-Pujol Marcel (1009) / Spain / (singles) - latest matches for selected request |
There are no matches available. |
Krawietz Kevin (843) / Germany / (singles) - latest matches for selected request |
There are no matches available. |